This spring semester, Panthers will be able to take a variety of film courses to fulfill the Film Studies certificate offered by the university.
Courses familiar to FIU students will be available, including Intro to Acting in Film/TV (TPP 3265), Communication in Film (COM 3417), and Philosophy of Film (PHI 4884). Dr. Elizabeth Scarbrough’s increasingly popular Philosophy of Film course will be especially interesting this semester, as prominent film philosopher Noel Carroll will be making an appearance at FIU from the CUNY Graduate Center. Dr. Strycharski will also repeat his course in Writing about Film (ENC 4355), a great class for anyone interesting in professional and public writing and often a gateway to film studies internships.
There will be a variety of courses teaching national and global interests in cinema through various cultures. Such courses include Asia Through Films (ASN 3200), French Cinema (FRE 4391), German Language and Culture Through Film (GER 3993), and Tradition and Modernity in Latin American Cinema (SPW 4397).
For fans of history and politics, courses such as Politics on Film (POS 3258) and Holocaust Cinema (FIL 3838) offer specialized observations on this area of film.
Finally, several offerings from the Studies in Film course (ENG 4132) offer unique focus on topics in the world of film. For example, Professor Michael Gillespie’s offering (section U02-C Regular) is centered on Film Noir Cinema, looking at early influences such as The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, through its inception in America through films like Double Indemnity, and its later evolutions through films like Chinatown and No Country for Old Men. Other sections cover topics such as Film Humor and Comedy (Andrew Strycharski), Wes Anderson films (Dan Bently-Baker), and the art of Cinematography (Igor Shteyrenberg).
You can find a full list of course offerings for the Spring 2018 Semester here. As always, if you’re taking a class with at least 50% focus on film, you can contact Dr. Strycharski with a syllabus from the class for credit approval.