For the last few months, we have had the wonderful opportunity to share our reviews, listicles, and other film posts with you all. But now, as the semester comes to an end it is with a heavy heart that we must bid you farewell. Continue reading Goodbye! (For Now)
Tag Archives: Author Austin Torres
5 of my Favorite Low-Budget Films

When we talk about making films, we often think about the time, effort, and money it takes to put one together. But a film’s success isn’t necessarily tied to the amount of money spent on it. Continue reading 5 of my Favorite Low-Budget Films
Prey for the Devil: Not Another Possession Movie!

Daniel Stamm is back in the saddle again and ready to put audiences to sleep with his most impotent effort yet, Prey for the Devil. Continue reading Prey for the Devil: Not Another Possession Movie!
Halloween Ends Thank God

The final installment in David Gordon Green’s Halloween trilogy is every bit as disappointing as you would expect from a team bankrupt of any new ideas. Green’s last chapter in an ever-declining saga pits longtime protagonist and bona fide horror icon Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) against a new evil that terrorizes Haddonfield and brings Michael Myers out of hiding for one final, anticlimactic showdown. While Green’s first installment honored Carpenter’s original vision and reinvigorated the franchise, his latest effort strays miles away from everything that made that film enjoyable. While one can recognize the ambitious choices made in this head-scratching sequel it amounts to little more than a mismatch of poorly-executed ideas and a meandering plot, loosely tied together by a screenplay so trite that one can barely believe it was greenlit at all.
City Threatens Historic Tower Theater with Closure

On Tuesday morning dozens of local filmmakers and residents gathered outside the historic Tower Theater to protest the City of Miami’s decision to terminate its contract with Miami Dade College, which has operated the venue since 2002. The controversial move stirred outrage among supporters of the theater who view it as a beacon of the local film community.
Continue reading City Threatens Historic Tower Theater with Closure
Godard RIP… 5 Essential Films

Jean-Luc Godard, pioneer of the French New Wave, and one of the most revered filmmakers of all time, has died at 91. His radical approach to cinema redefined the form and language of the medium and gave birth to a body of work that continues to inspire filmmakers today, even as it continues to challenge our notions of narrative structure and the craft of cinema.