Award-winning filmmaker and FIU alum, Gabriel Rhenals, talks about starting a company and his latest festival run. Gabriel has several short films under his belt and he’s been featured at events like the Miami Short Film Festival. With accolades like “Best Screenplay,” Gabriel is quickly becoming someone to watch. He assures us that the most essential resource for anyone planning to make a film is a dream.
Tag Archives: Author: Dayami Padron
Five Questions: Pierina Hidalgo
Intern and aspiring filmmaker, Pierina Hidalgo, talks about her work for the film studies program and her plans for the future. She believes that there are unique lessons in internships that students do not encounter in a traditional classroom. We asked her all about them.
Favorite Horror Villain Poll Results
After many votes cast and what we’re sure took SECONDS of careful consideration by each of our readers, the results are in!
Filmmaker Profile: Danniel Rodriguez
Former Film Studies student, Danniel Rodriguez talks about winning the MFDP grant, his work on the Oscar-buzz-generating Moonlight, and how FIU students can break into the biz.

Danniel Rodriguez graduated from FIU in 2015. He has recently won a Miami Film Development Project grant for his second narrative short, Habana Boxing Club, currently in pre-production. Only 24, Danniel has a growing relevance in the local film scene, evidenced by his work on HBO’s Ballers and the Miami-based film Moonlight, which premiered to rave reviews and Oscar whispers at the Toronto Film Festival. He shared his experience with us and offered his advice on career development.