Scary clowns are no laughing matter. They’ve made their way into films, from terrifying horror movie classics like It (1990) to the cult film Killer Klowns From Outer Space (1988). If you’re thinking this is the perfect Halloween to enjoy a bad creepy clown movie, we have a few ideas . . .
Klovnen (1926)
Nothing seems creepier than a German clown, especially when his name, Kloven, sounds like a cross between a gang of witches and the Devil’s foot. Directed by A.W. Sandberg, this silent film is a remake of the 1916 Danish film of the same name. The story revolves around a clown named Joe who marries the love of his life, Daisy. She ends up leaving him for someone else, then is abandoned in turn and commits suicide. Joe makes it in time to hear her repentance before she dies at the hospital. Eh, more sad clown than creepy.
Killjoy 3 (2010)
One Killjoy movie was more than enough. But the killer clown lives on in Killjoy 3, directed by John Lechago. This time Killjoy finds himself lures four college students into this realm so he can have some dark fun with them while we fall asleep.
Dead Clowns (2004)
Q: What’s better than creepy clowns?
A: Creepy zombie clowns.
Q: What’s better than creepy zombie clowns?
A: Creepy zombie clowns in rural Florida.
The Legend of Wasco (2015)
This film is not too far from reality. In Shane Beasley and Leya Taylor’s film, a clown performer and his soon to be brother in law dress up as Wasco, the infamous clown, and post the pictures on social media for fun. Without meaning to they end up resurrecting the real Wasco and his henchmen. Tyler and Byron have no choice but to face their fears and to fight these evil clowns back to their graves.
Article By: Pierina Hidalgo
Pierina Hidalgo is interning for the FIU Film Studies Program, Fall 2016 Semester. She is an English major who is also pursuing the FIU Film Certificate.