Good morning, and in case I don’t see ya: Good afternoon, good evening, and good night! -Truman (Jim Carrey), The Truman Show
“At first things felt slow, but my final semester flew by in the blink of an eye. I’m glad that most of it was spent watching movies and talking about it among my film professor and fellow interns, all now friends in filmography. I wish I had 4 more years of classes to take so I could stick around longer… Don’t add that last part.” – Frankie.
“Time has just zoomed by and so has the semester. The first day I was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, now I’m rocking dark circles and a messy bun. Sleep deprivation at its finest. Nonetheless, it was full of new experiences, new friends, and new films. I still have one more term before graduation, so let’s hope I can catch some sleep during the winter break.” – Julia
“This last semester has been one of my best. There are no words to describe how much fun I’ve had with my fellow interns yelling over each other about films. It has really been a dream that I don’t think I’m ready to wake up from. This may not be the last time you hear from the Film Bro, but if it is, I want to say thank you to everyone that made this one of the best college experiences anyone could have asked for. Here is one last solemn ‘Yo, Chill.’” – Francisco
“I have already graduated, but as most recent grads I was totally lost on what to do next. An unpaid internship was clearly my best option… and it’s been a lot of fun! Writing and ranting about movies is a passion of mine, and getting unpaid to do that feels pretty good. Although I’m ending my internship today, in the immortal words of Terminator, ‘I’ll be back’ (maybe).” – Val